Someone very wise once said ‘knowledge is power?’ It may sound a bit dramatic given we’re talking about personal finance – but it certainly has an element of truth about it. At Moneywise Global we believe the more you know, the easier it becomes to make informed decisions and avoid the financial pitfalls that so many people fall into. It also means that you’re better equipped to understand what it really takes to meet your goals and ‘live your best life’.
That’s why we’ve created this section of our website. It’s totally dedicated to helping you build your financial knowledge. We’ve assembled a huge range of material and financial exercises for you, which you can either choose to read, watch or do depending on your own learning preferences.
Our content is organised into six different financial education categories so you can select the most relevant areas to you. We will be constantly updating and adding articles and videos so check back in regularly to see if there are new materials on topics you’re interested in. Of course if you’d like to know something specific, just use our search function or get in touch with us. We’re always happy to point you in the right direction.
If you come across something interesting, but don’t have time to view it – you can just add it to your dashboard for easy access down the track. Your dashboard is your personal area on the website, where you can save interesting content and monitor your progress throughout your financial journeys.
Remember this is all about learning for your own financial benefit. There are no exams or assignments to complete – it’s just a great central source of knowledge that you can easily refer to and gradually strengthen your understanding of life’s important financial fundamentals.