The best way to begin managing your money is to gain a clearer understanding of how you currently use the money that is at your disposal. This may sound challenging but there are plenty of small steps you can take to help you make better money decisions and take control of your finances.
An integral part of money management is knowing how it flows in and out of your life, or as we call it, having a cash flow. As a first step we’d encourage you to take the time to do your own personal cash flow as this will give you greater understanding of where your money really goes and just as importantly, how much you can realistically afford to save.
Taking on debt is a big step and an important part of managing your money. We have some calculators here that are specifically designed to help you manage this process.
If you’d like to gain a better understanding of how how much you get paid use our dedicated Flight Centre pay calculator here. You’ll find that using this tool will make managing your money on a monthly basis so much easier.
In this section you’ll see that we’ve given you access to a great deal of useful information focused on helping you with your money management and understanding debt. Click on the read, watch or do icons below to filter the information to suit your learning style.
So now it’s time to start your journey. We’ll guide you all the way as you take the first steps towards becoming a more confident, more responsible money manager.
Swiss psychologist Carl Jung held the view that conflict is seldom based on what we are trying to achieve, but is an outcome of disagreement on what is the best way to achieve what it is that we want.
Interestingly, when it comes to money there are so many ways to provide financial security and stability for oneself and others. There are so many ways to build a rewarding and enriching career or business, and there are so many ways that our children can carve out a financially and emotionally rewarding life.
Take a moment to think about this concept and you will discover that our money personalities underlie virtually all decisions we make regarding money, career, business and investment, and perhaps more importantly, how we feel about it.
If you are yet to find out what your Money Personality preferences are, complete the Money Personality quiz now.
If you want to read more about Money Personality, go to the Your Money Personality learning module for further explanation on this innovative, insightful and memorable way to understand your wealth creation and financial management preferences.
The module also provides revealing information on how others relate to money and finance, and how people with different preferences can work together.