Ever bought a car? How did you decide what to buy?
The money personality concept has not been around for all that long. However, what it looks at has been around since money first came into existence.
Your money personality indicates what you are likely to look at, and how you are likely to come to a decision about financial decisions.
It applies to both the significant and the trivial. To buying a house, buying a car, and buying an ice cream. It applies to saving, spending and investing.
Today we look at the thinking behind a car purchase for the different animals.
Labradors think along these lines…
Owls take a slightly different line of thinking…
Monkeys typically go along this path…
Dolphins take a different line of thinking again…
Most of us do have a preferred way of thinking and deciding when it comes to buying a car.
Interestingly, the same goes for many of our other buying decisions. Understanding your decision making preferences, and gaining an understanding of others, is at the heart of Money Personality.
P.S. As we approach the gift giving season, keep in mind the Money Personality preferences of those you are buying significant gifts for. The more they align to their preferences, the greater they will value and enjoy the gift.
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