
Investing Inside Superannuation

Investor Directed Portfolio Services

Investor Directed Portfolio Services (IDPS), also referred to as ‘Wrap Accounts’ or ‘Master Trusts’ can be structured as a superannuation or investment fund whereby a member has access to a menu of preselected wholesale investment options and investment managers to invest their funds.

IDPS have become more widely used as an investment solution for those clients seeking greater choice and control over their investment portfolio held within their super account.

The main feature of an IDPS is to provide access to a wide variety of investment choices, including managed investments, direct shares, fixed interest and cash investments, from many different providers through the one platform. A key advantage of this is that reports are prepared for you by consolidating all investment options and returns into the one statement and in the one account. This makes it a ‘one-stop shop’ to evaluate your investments and any associated taxation considerations within your superannuation fund.