Aged Care

Federal Budget 2021/22 Proposals

The Carer Payment is a type of means-tested income support payment similar to a pension. It’s paid fortnightly and aims to provide financial assistance to carers who are unable to work due to the demands of their carer role.

To qualify for the Carer Payment, the carer needs to:

  • Provide constant, daily care for someone that either has a severe disability or medical condition or is frail and elderly. In addition, the care must be provided in a private home, and been ongoing for at least six months.
  • Not be apart from the person receiving care for more than 25 hours a week for either work, study or training.
  • Not be a recipient of another form of social security income support payment.

Also, both the carer and the person receiving the care must be Australian residents currently residing in Australia as well as under the relevant income and asset test limits to receive the Carer Payment.