Typically an SMSF investment portfolio can include the following investments:
- Cash management accounts
- Term deposits
- Managed funds (Australian and international)
- Listed Australian shares
- Listed unit trusts (property, investment)
- Listed investment companies
- Overseas listed shares
- Residential property (although there are a number of restrictions)
- Commercial property
- Industrial property
- Property partnerships with non-related parties
- Shares in private companies with non-related parties
- Options, warrants, CFDs and other derivative instruments, subject to the funds investment strategy.
Please note: Whilst SMSFs are not prohibited from investing in cryptocurrencies, the investment must:
- Be allowed for under the fund’s trust deed
- Be in accordance with the fund’s investment strategy
- Comply with superannuation regulatory requirements with regards to investments restrictions
- Furthermore, if you are considering investing in cryptocurrencies via an SMSF, it’s important to keep in mind investment fundamentals (e.g. diversification, risk versus return, and liquidity), the potential to lose funds via security vulnerabilities (e.g. the hacking of cryptocurrency exchanges) and the associated tax treatment, as well as carefully consider whether such an investment is appropriate.